By Hunter Thompson
October 18, 2023
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them—that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” —Lao Tzu It is often said that the only constant in life is change. In my nearly seven decades on this earth, I can attest that changes come whether we’re prepared or not. One of the most frustrating aspects of change is that most of the time we aren’t in charge of where, when, or how it happens. Of course, there are changes that we initiate. Even those don’t always go off without a hitch. Taking the time to look at the changes that are occurring with fresh eyes can make a huge difference in how we relate to that change. The lens through which we are looking at any given point in time determines what we see. Everything we see is interpreted through our past experiences, expectations, and desires. If we remember the story of the Taoist farmer it can assist in handling the events of our lives, welcome or not. It is only in hindsight that we can be aware of the real impact of any change that had occurred. Think about the fish surrounded by water, it is to some extent oblivious to the water because it is immersed in it. Likewise, when we are in the midst of change, we often can’t see beyond the immediate situation. When we take a step back and allow ourselves to look at the big picture, it often looks much different. One of my teachers in acupuncture school, John Sullivan, told us that there are two ways of looking at a situation, small mind or large mind. Small mind looks at the world through a narrow lens and is unwilling or unable to see beyond that lens. Large mind allows for more of a vista view, thereby providing a sense of the greater possibilities and how the situation impacts us and others. As Dr. Sullivan would repeat to us, “Choose Large Mind.” Is there a situation in your life now that large mind would benefit? If so, how will you apply this philosophy to it? What would be different if you did?