A person’s perspective provides their worldview. Looking at the world from the bottom of a well provides a very different view than looking from the top of a mountain. While these are two very different extremes the subtler differences can create as much disparity.
Becoming aware of your own perspective can inform you about how your worldview influences your actions and emotions. The obvious one is that of optimist versus pessimist. Which way do you lean in your interactions with the world? How would it be different if you switched that view?
Most of us set some type of goals at the beginning of each year. Whether we consider them resolutions or plans for the future, they drive the choices we make at least for a while. Perhaps it’s getting more exercise, eating healthier, taking more time for relaxation, or spending time with family. Whatever the goal, our perspective has an influence on how well we meet these goals.
A truncated view of the possibilities usually leads to limited success in our plans. Being able to have an expansive perspective allows us to shift the path as needed to meet our goals. Think of a time you had a goal and something got in the way. Were you able to shift with this obstacle or did you fold? What might have been different if you’d found a way around that obstacle? This is not an exercise in self-judgment. It is a way to see that just as water will find a way around a boulder, human beings can find a way around the obstacle in our paths. The key is perspective and flexibility.
If John is standing on the flat area and wants to ride his bike from home to his friend Ben’s house and sees that there is a wall between them he might decide that it’s not possible to get there on his bike. If Judy is standing on a hill and looking between those two houses, she might see that there is a way around the wall that might take longer and will connect the two on a different path. It’s all about perspective.
What plans do you have? Is there a way to see a broader view when you come upon an obstacle? Exploring the possibilities may lead to the gold of a greater outcome than you envisioned initially.
Bowie Location:
3905 Corbin Place, Bowie, MD 20715
Columbia Location:
7350 Grace Drive, Columbia, MD 21044