As we move quickly into winter, it is important to allow the energy of the autumn to move into life. Watching the leaves fall from the trees is a clear reminder that all of life requires letting go. That may be ending a job or relationship or ending a way of feeling about your life. No matter the object, it is important to be willing to truly look at life and see what is important and what is fluff. In our modern world there are so many things that distract us from what is essential.
Burnout comes from juggling too many things, especially when there is not a sense of success with the various projects pulling us in one direction and then another. Winter is a time of rest and reflection. However, if we are unable to sort the wheat from the chaff during autumn and let go of what no longer serves us, it will be difficult to meet the energy of winter successfully.
Take the time to assess the relative importance of various aspects of life. See where unnecessary tasks and even people can be let go. Then time will open up to provide the benefit of reflection. In the US we tend to make New Year’s resolutions and rarely keep them. Most often that is because they are not reflective of our true needs. By taking the time to let go of extraneous tasks and move into the silence and stillness of winter, we are better equipped to decide what to focus on as the creative energy of spring begins the cycle of growth and renewal.
Bowie Location:
3905 Corbin Place, Bowie, MD 20715
Columbia Location:
7350 Grace Drive, Columbia, MD 21044